Gaining access to Office 365 user data without credentials

You read the title right, there is an easy way to gain access to a user’s Office 365 mailbox, attachments, and OneDrive data without stealing a username and password. This kind of attack is starting to appear more and more to replace the traditional phishing of credentials. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how this process works, and what you can do to prevent it in your Office 365 tenant.

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Simulating attacks and APT Groups with MITRE’s CALDERA

Thinking of good cybersecurity measures is a different ballgame than actually testing it. Often people think that having a good firewall, strong passwords, or anti-virus software is providing them with good protection. But only when you really test what happens during an attack, you can make sure you have the correct protection in place. This is where MITRE’s CALDERA makes your life a whole lot easier.

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