Hack the Box Writeup: Driver (

Driver is an Easy box from Hack the Box. The name gives you a very good idea of what you will encounter, but it’s still a fun box to do. It is an easy one, but the vulnerability is one that a lot of...

Hunting down Microsoft Exchange 0-day

On the 2nd of March 2021, our security team got a notification from Microsoft that they will release out-of-band security updates for Microsoft Exchange Server. After getting more information it turns out that...

Hack The Box Writeup: Omni (

The box Omni had a very unusual Operating System for HTB machines. It was a Windows 10 IoT machine, which was new for me. The foothold consisted of an exploit for this Operating System. For user and root, I...

Hack The Box Writeup: Time

I was over a month ago, since I last did a box on Hack The Box. So I choose one from the to-do list and that was Time. I have to say the box did not really satify me, but I did learn some new tricks on this...

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